Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dandelion Magick

The humble Dandelion has been celebrated for centuries as a powerful medicine and nutrition source. Learn here how to harvest and utilize one of Nature's finest plants.

Magickal Properties:

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deity: Hecate, Brighid (Brigit, Brigid, Bride, etc),Belenos
Power: Divination, Wishes, Messenger
Astrological: Primary - Pisces, Sagittarius; Secondary - Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra

Magical Benefits:

According to Scott Cunningham, author of over thirty books on herbs and Wicca, Dandelion is said to increase psychic abilities when taken as a tea. A tea of the roots left steaming and placed beside the bed will call spirits . Dandelion buried in the northwest corner of the house will bring favorable winds.

Other magical folklore surrounding the Dandelion includes blowing the seeds off a ripened head to carry your thoughts (or magical energies) to another; Love revelation (blowing all the seeds off with one blow indicates passionate love, seeds remaining indicates the love is fickle) and how many children you will have (the number of seeds left on the head after one blow).

History and Etymology

Dandelion comes from the French ‘Dens Leonis’ which eventually migrated into Middle English as ‘Dent De Lion’ or ‘Lions Tooth’. The name perhaps conferred from the observation of their mature leaves which are sharply indented and toothsome in appearance. This bright, yellow bloom often comes as one of the first indicators of spring, and is believed to have been brought over by the Europeans and cultivated originally for both its medicinal and nutritive properties, although some evidence exists that native cultures indigenous to the Americas prior to the arrival of the settlers.

Notable herbalist Gregory Tilford has said, "Dandelion is one of the most complete plant foods on earth. All the vital nutrients are conveniently contained in a single source, in quantities that the body can easily process and fully absorb."

What makes it so nutritious?

Dandelions are packed with biologically active substances which help the body use them more effectively. Over sixty-four nutrients and health-promoting substances have been identified as present in Dandelions. They contain more beta-carotene than carrots, more potassium than bananas, more lecithin than soybeans, more iron than spinach, and loads of Vitamins A, C, E, thiamin and riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. All these nutrients make Dandelions an effective liver tonic, blood purifier, anemia arrester, vision improver, reducer of cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and a host of other things.

Its scientific name, Taraxacum officinale, translated from Latin, means "official remedy for disorders."


Because the Dandelion is considered a common weed and generally hated by suburban America, be absolutely certain to pick only from places that have not been sprayed with pesticides or chemicals which will be absorbed by the plant rendering it toxic.


The younger the plant is, whether head, leaves or root, the better it will taste. Dandelions are naturally on the bitter side (not unlike the taste of Endive) which makes them a superb choice for blending with other salad greens and topping with a wine vinaigrette dressing. They will be less bitter in early spring just before they flower, and in late fall when they have finished.


Late in the fall is the optimum time to harvest dandelion roots as this is the mature phase of the plant and when they will be at their biggest. Clean the roots well and let them dry for a few days. After most of the moisture has been allowed to evaporate and they have begun to shrink down in size, lightly roast them at about 200-250 degrees for 2-3 hours or until they are dry and brown, and smell like coffee. The roots can then be ground down to make a delicious coffee substitute, health tonic or used as a magical tincture.

Magical Uses

Brew equal amounts of coffee grounds and roasted Dandelion root. Steep for an hour and use before vision question, astral travel or meditation.

A final word about foraging for dandelions in general - they will absorb pesticides and pollutants if they are growing in contaminated areas. Stay well back from roadsides and other questionable areas.

Mythopoetic Original Art by she who is. Prints $15 Shipped!


For a limited time, you can own an original 4X6 matted and signed print of your choosing, available on Etsy for just $15, including shipping. 

Utilizing images and symbols which call forth the creative energies and properties of the Divine, this is art which is specifically created to magnify magickal intent and purpose. The compact size makes it perfect for any altar or sacred space devoted to representing in visual metaphor your connection with the sacred spirit.

It is my belief that everyone should be able to afford original and beautiful art, which is why I am offering these prints at such a low price. This special offer can only be obtained by using the coupon "SOULHELPERS"

Make your space truly special with these one of a kind sacred offerings.


Nuummite - The Sorcerers Stone

Nuummite, also spelled nuumite, recently made its appearance in my life through a series of synchronicities, and I spent weeks on eBay and in local gem stores trying in vain to procure one. A form of spectrolite, I wasn't entirely conscious of its meaning, I just knew when I saw it that it was something meant for me. Finally, I lucked out on an auction on eBay and bought a large sterling silver wrapped piece for under $10 (this is where nuummite as a rule sells for between $20 and $30 for a polished one inch piece). I'm wearing it now.

As is my habit, after purchasing a new stone, I leave it sit for a bit in earth salts to both cleanse and allow it to adjust to the new energies. I then rinse it gently in water, imagining a white light pouring through it, then after carefully drying it, sit with it and take notes about my first reactions.

WIth nuummite I immediately got an image of Merlin, and then the Magician tarot card. I sensed as well that this was an ancient stone magically (yes, all stones technically are ancient I am aware; emphasis 'magically'). I could feel discoveries and alchemists poring over it, that it was deliberately imbued with energies to help create magical flow. Other words I noted:

  • Grounding, but allowing magic to flow. Very protective, almost a watcher of sorts.
  • Psychologically assistive. Good with depression or confused thinking
  • A good dream worker - likes to center the subconscious
  • Works well with labradorite and moonstone (perhaps any feldspar), a natural partner to Herkimer diamond.
  • LOVES being placed in full moonlight and rain.
  • Benefits from being buried in the earth every few months to dispel negative energies
  • Cosmically significant. Holds company with stars and storms.

Mars and Scorpio
Water and Earth - very dual natured, but in a safe and protective way, yet again with a very stormy quality.

Physically, it's one of the most moving and unique stones I've felt energetically - up there with labradorite. pietersite and moonstone as well as blue goldstone (not really a stone, but nevertheless, and at least for me, blue goldstone holds an intensely special and spectral energetic pattern). Nuummite is a stone that is powerful, yet patient, and one of the few that really likes to work magic with humanity. 

Judy Hall's Crystal Bible, of which I am a glowing fan, (and which I don't consult until after doing my own reading on any stone) confirms this information, but interestingly when I did a search on Google for Nuumite further found her to list it in a PDF of Shamanic Crystals found on her site (link following this article). I've copied her invaluable information here. :


Chakra: past life, soma, opens and integrates all.

Nuummite is the sorcerer’s stone. Scintillating flashes assist in seeing beyond the outer façade, and create an inner landscape to be traversed. A protective stone,strengthening the auric shield and effective against pollutants and sorcery, Nuummite helps you to travel with stealth and sureness. It shields from sight and is a useful stone to safeguard your car. This powerful stone has an element of magic that needs to be used respectfully, with right intention, or it could rebound.

Nuummite assists in recognising past life contacts and highlights karmic debts stemming from misuse of power, reminding you not to go there again. Placed on the soma chakra it draws karmic debris out of the physical and emotional bodies. With its strong electro-magnetic field, Nuummite quickly restores energy and power that has been depleted by karmic debts, or other causes, and clears blockages including those that are self-imposed, reprogramming cellular memory. Severing entanglements that stem from past manipulation or incantations, Nuummite removes difficulties that arise from another person’s misguided sense of still needing to protect or guide you. Having cleansed the spurious sense of self that derives from those experiences, Nuummite then connects you to your true self. Cutting through to your core, it allows you to reprogram your thoughts and to be responsible for your
own protection. At the same time, Nuummite teaches respect and honour, fulfilling obligations and promises that are relevant to life today, encouraging serendipitous synchronicity. This stone aligns the aura with the physical body, and also removes mental implants from an extraterrestrial or magical source. Nuummite should be set in silver, especially for ritual working. This stone works well combined with Novaculite, which provides spiritual guidance as to its use.

In all, this stone has been added to my own collection of stones that I consider shamanic, and will work with on a regular basis. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Way of the Mystic

The way of the mystic is the wilded over forest path, the one beset with thorns and ancient webs and shadows that darkly loom. It is not for the wieldy traveler, and you might well ask, why take it when dangers beseech, when terrors unbidden advance, terrible spectres which lurk and wait to rise from unseen places?

And to those who would or do, I would advise: abandon it. There is a road better traveled and smoother where the sights and sounds have been preordained for your pleasure, where the wounded and impoverished and scar-laden have been shuffled safely away soas not to offend ones delicate sensibilities.

But the mystic will never ask. And instead that unsavory path will burn from within like a siren's call. With curious footfalls she will navigate the thick wood of sorrows, will heed the call of the owl and the raven, will wait for signs, will bleed, will receive wonders and will emerge a strange darkling creature, empty-handed, while all the world will scoff and think her mad.

But oh, how her eyes will glow.

Introductory Readings Vs. Soul Exploration

Greetings Doves;

On my Facebook Public Page, people regularly write in asking me to define what I do, and in particular, what the difference is between a Soul Exploration as opposed to an Introductory Reading. The primary difference is the depth that we go into, and what your ultimate goal and expectation is, and to make things clearer, I've taken the time to define it here.

Introductory Reading

My initial fee of $50 for an introductory session runs at a minimum of 30 minutes and up to an hour. This allows me to get to know you and get a good read on your current situation, and I will provide a plethora of insight for you on that call. Some of my clients use me monthly or sporadically from that point on, others opt in for more long-term coaching and consultation. The introductory call is where we'll decide whether you'll benefit from long term coaching or more generalized spiritual consultations. I work with each individual with the ultimate goal of helping you to reach your highest potential, and work within every budget.

Soul Exploration 

Soul exploration ($100)is more in-depth, and is a minimum of one hour and can last up to three. It is generally for those that may not be interested in ongoing coaching or consultation, but want a clear picture of their path nevertheless. This can help reveal karmic patterns and limitations, astrological influences, spiritual blockages and where you are on your soul's journey. Prior to this call, I have you fill out a questionnaire which helps determine your learning style, personality type and karmic lessons and/or missives that you potentially have come here to uncover. I will make personalized recommendations for you regarding modalities which can help you with areas where you are stuck, and will also recommend and provide you with three crystals/stones to work with ongoing, as well as an astrological profile for the coming year. 

 With either option, you can choose to continue on with either coaching or consultation full-time or as needed. Both will help me to establish where you might be a good fit.

Life Coaching

Long term coaching is designed to help you align yourself to your soul's purpose and path, and where I serve as your mentor and motivator. This is for someone that has become stuck, or is uncertain about where they are progressing on their soul's journey.Together, we chart your weekly progress, set goals and help you to reach your highest potential. The keyword here is evolution.

Spiritual Consultation

Spiritual Consultations are more general, and where I serve as advisor and seer to what's currently taking place in your life. This is often more crisis-oriented - someone who has recently lost a loved one, or is going through a separation would more likely benefit from this methodology and process. The keyword here is healing. 

You are not asked to necessarily choose one or the other; I have clients that have opted into both programs at various times depending on where they are in their lives. This just helps us to both anchor on a directive and allows us to map out expectations on our journey together. 

With both, I utilize astrological information to see what's happening with you currently, as well as what's upcoming. I help you to uncover karmic patterns, work with dream journals, keep you motivated and teach you self-discover tools as well as healing methodologies to help you to evolve into your soul's highest potential. Together we will gently peel back the layers of anything not you to reveal what you were put on this earth to become. It is a fascinating journey, and one which never ceases to delight both myself and the beautiful souls I am called to work with.

I have helped people transition from working in the corporate realm to quitting their jobs and pursuing more creative paths, leave bad relationships and find their soulmates, overcome lifelong anxiety and depressive disorders, find their gurus, sell everything and travel the world, discover their bliss, embrace Nature, become shamans and achieve their heart's desire. I have also practiced each of these things myself. ;)

 My rates start at $99 a month (which includes four 45 to 60 minute phone or online sessions and up to 3 email messages) and go up to $1,000 a month. I also do work by the hour - let's say after your consultation you want to work with me, but have a limited budget. I might charge a baseline of $50 for one monthly meeting which would also include 4 weekly emails to touch base with your progress and/or help you to discern what's upcoming in your life. I work with each client to provide a perfect plan for them.

And because the most important part of my path is working as a spiritual healer, please know that I also provide one time three question readings by donation - you set the price. Message me for more details.

Note that this is just a very short synopsis of my method and approach, which hopefully gives you a broad stroke of what to expect. My clients are the most important people in the world, I love and adore them all and they know it! 

Please do feel free to message me to ask any questions above and beyond what I've mentioned here. I look forward to working with you soon!

Much love,


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Want Less, Love More

Points of rapture from the verge extreme. A telling of tails. A hodgepodge of mayhem, sparkle and tears.


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